DirectAdmin Skins Tutorial

Extended guide

For reference, download DirectAdmin's default skins package here: enhanced.tar.gz
A tutorial on creating a language pack can be found Here

Skins are required to have 3 main conf files:

  • files_user.conf
  • files_reseller.conf
  • files_admin.conf

These files hold the paths of all the files used by DirectAdmin. The format of the files is:


where CMD_NAME can start with CMD_, HTM_, or IMG_.  CMD_ and HTM_ files will be parsed for tokens, and filled with the value if the token is in memory, or filled with "none" if it is not. The order in which the 3 files are search is from the highest level to the lowest. For example, if a user is looking for HTM_INDEX, it would go straight to files_user.conf to search for that file. If it's not found, it will generate a File not found error. If an admin looks for HTM_INDEX, it will first look inside files_admin.conf, then files_reseller.conf, then files_user.conf. Upon finding HTM_INDEX, it will immediately return the path. This is how you can provide different headers for admins, resellers and users. Simply by placing HTM_INDEX in each of the 3 files_.conf, each instance can point to a different path, providing a different file for each user type.

Note that the path portion is relative to the 3 files, so the hierarchy should be as follows:

  • ./files_user.conf
  • ./files_reseller.conf
  • ./files_admin.conf
  • ./local/path/file.html

such that all directories used for the skin will be in the same directory as the 3 conf files. It's also important to note that the path begins with no dots or slashes, just the directory or filename. This is because the the path portion is simply concatenated onto the directory name that the skin is in. Don't bother to try and use ../../ in the path, as DirectAdmin will reject it AND DirectAdmin will be run as nobody while it reads the skins, so any sensitive files on the server cannot be read.

When a CMD_ is requested, the command is first checked to make sure that it is allowed to be run. After being approved, the command is run with any data given. It's not until AFTER the command has been run that any skins searched for and displayed.

You can create any HTM_ files you want, but CMD_ names cannot be changed. The files they point to can be different, as well as the contents of those files. Any HTM_ name can be used, as they just show the contents of the file (after being parsed) and no commands are executed. However, CMD_ names are always checked to make sure that the user has the proper privileges before allowing them to run the command, thus the name cannot be changed.

All Tokens (text to be replaced with dynamic text) must be enclosed in pipes '|'. Eg: |TOKEN|
Tokens are most often, but not always, all capital letters.
Tokens can be passed to DirectAdmin using the "GET" method, in which case, they overwrite any previous token stored for display with the same name. This is used quite often for passing values between pages (ie.
If a token begins with "HTM_", that webpage will replace the token, and that webpage will be parsed for tokens as well. Recursive parsing only goes 8 levels deep to prevent infinite loops.

If a token begins with a ? and ends with an =, ALL data after the = will be entered it that token. ie: |?TREE=hi!| -> all values of |TREE| later in the page will be replaced with hi! Tokens can be used inside this type by using ` instead of | ie: |?TREE=`DOMAIN`|. Domain will be filled first, then TREE will be parsed

If you use images, use IMG_ to start them, and the /etc/mime.types file will be used for determining their type.

*** When creating a skin of your own, you are STRONGLY encouraged to simply change the header and footer html files to save yourself from having to learn all of the CMD_ tokens.
The main headers used everywhere are:


To create a skins package, simply cd into the dir that your files are stored in, and type the following command:

tar cvzf directskin.tar.gz *

(run from the directory where the conf files are)

Tokens: Default tokens are available on all html pages generated for that user.

Default tokens for everyone

ZOOM - is set to 100, but can be changed using the get method. The value is stored in the user.conf file (depreciated)
BODY - default is set to "". It's used whenever a body value is needed to be entered in the <body> tag.
RESULT - default is set to "". It's used whenever a result text is required. Generally passed through GET so that a page can be reloaded using the Location header.
DEAMONNAME - Name of the Panel. Default: DirectAdmin
HOSTNAME - Current hostname being used in their web browser(eg.
OS_NAME - Name of the operating system running on the server.
USERNAME - The name of the current user logged in. If an admin or reseller logs in as their user using pipe (|), their users name will be used.
USERQUOTAMAX - Maximum disk space allowed by the user
USERQUOTA - Current disk space used by the user.
USERBANDWIDTHMAX- Maximum network traffic allowed by the user.
USERBANDWIDTH - Current network traffic used by the user.
USERBANDWIDTHMAXGIG- Maximum network traffic allowed by the user, in gigabytes.
USERBANDWIDTHGIG - Current network traffic used by the user, in gigabytes.
USERDATABASE - Current number of databases
USERDATABASEMAX - Maximum number of databases allowed.
USERFTP - Current number of ftp accounts
USERFTPMAX - Maximum number of ftp accounts
USEREMAIL - Current number of email accounts
USEREMAILMAX - Maximum number of email accounts
USERFORWARDER - Current number of email forwarders
USERFORWARDERMAX - Maximum number of email forwarders
USERRESPONDER - Current number of autoresponders
USERRESPONDERMAX - Maximum number of autoresponders
USERLIST - Current number of mailing lists
USERLISTMAX - Maximum number of mailing lists
USERPOINTERS - Current number of domain pointers
USERPOINTERSMAX - Maximum number of domain pointers
NDOMAINSMAX - Max number of domains allowed by the user.
NDOMAINS - Current number of domains used by the user.
NUSERSUBDOMAINSMAX - Max number of subdomains allowed over all of their domains.
NUSERSUBDOMAINS - Current number of domains used over all of their domains.
USERSPAM - ON or OFF for spamasasssin.
USERDNSCONTROL - ON or OFF for the user level dns control.
USERSSL - ON or OFF if the user is allowed to setup ssl certificates.
VERSION - Current version of the panel. Will be a floatingpoint number, accurate to 2 digits past the decimal. The actual version number goes to 6 digits.
SESSION_ID - Session ID of the current session. Used when passing to /CMD_API_GET_SESSION SKIN - name of the current skin being used.
TIME - Current server time as generated by ctime();
NEWMESSAGES - shows the number of new messages to be read by the user
NEWTICKETS - shows the number of new tickets for the reseller/admin. If only a user, "" will be used.
DOMAIN_IP - the ip assigned to this user. SESSION_ID - the session ID hash stored in your cookie.

Default tokens for resellers

RESELLERQUOTAMAX - Maximum disk space allowed by the reseller
RESELLERQUOTA - Current disk space used by the reseller.
RESELLERBANDWIDTHMAX - Maximum network traffic allowed by the reseller.
RESELLERBANDWIDTH - Current network traffic used by the reseller.
RESELLERBANDWIDTHMAXGIG - Maximum network traffic allowed by the reseller, in gigabytes.
RESELLERBANDWIDTHGIG - Current network traffic used by the reseller, in gigabytes.
RESELLERUSERS - Current number of users
RESELLERDOMAINSMAX - Maximum number of domains allowed
RESELLERDOMAINS - Current number of domains.
RESELLERFORWARDER - Current number of forwarders used by the reseller.
RESELLERFORWARDERMAX - Maximum number of forwarder allowed by the reseller.
RESELLERRESPONDER - Current number of autoresponders used by the reseller.
RESELLERRESPONDERMAX - Maximum number of autoresponders allowed by the reseller.
RESELLERLIST - Current number of mailing lists used by the reseller.
RESELLERLISTMAX - Maximum number of mailing lists allowed by the reseller.
RESELLERPOINTERS - Current number of domain pointers used by the reseller.
RESELLERPOINTERSMAX - Maximum number of domain pointers allowed by the reseller.
RESELLERDATABASE - Current number of databases used by the reseller.
RESELLERDATABASEMAX - Maximum number of databases allowed by the reseller.
RESELLERFTP - Current number of ftp accounts used by the reseller.
RESELLERFTPMAX - Maximum number of ftp accounts allowed by the reseller.
RESELLEREMAIL - Current number of email accounts used by the reseller.
RESELLEREMAILMAX - Maximum number of email accounts allowed by the reseller.
RESELLERSUBDOMAINSMAX - Maximum number of subdomains allowed by the reseller.
RESELLERSUBDOMAINS - Current number of subdomains used by the reseller.

Default tokens for admins

ADMINQUOTA - Current disk space used by all users on the server.
ADMINBANDWIDTH - Current network traffic used by all users on the server.
ADMINBANDWIDTHGIG - Current network traffic used by all users on the server, in gigabytes.
ADMINDOMAINS - Current number of domains on the server.
ADMINUSERS - Current number of users on the server.
ADMINRESELLERS - Current number of resellers on the server.
ADMINDATABASE - Current number of databases on the server.
ADMINFTP - Current number of ftp accounts on the server.
ADMINEMAIL - Current number of email accounts on the server.
ADMINSUBDOMAINS - Current number of subdomains on the server.
ADMINFORWARDER - Current number of forwarders on the server.
ADMINRESPONDER - Current number of autorespondres on the server.
ADMINLIST - Current number of mailing lists on the server.
ADMINPOINTERS - Current number of domain pointers on the server.


There are a few HTM_ documents that generate some data for tokens. This is out of the norm, as usually, only CMD_ documents create tokens (other than the default ones of course)

DOMAINTABLE - List of domains currently owned by the user. If they only own one, they'll be forwarded automatically.


PACKAGES - Lists the reseller packages in a listbox

HTM_ACCOUNT_USER_CREATE as reseller or admin

PACKAGES - Lists the user packages in a listbox
IPSELECT - Lists the current free or shared ips owned by the reseller.

//DirectAdmin section

//Command name
//Token Name


DOMAINTABLE - List of domains currently owned by the user. If they only own one, they'll be forwarded automatically.
POPACCOUNTS - Table showing all Email accounts and links to delete/modify them.
FAILCHECKED - "checked" or "" determining if the radio box it checked for returning error messages to sender.
BHCHECKED - "checked" or "" determining if the radio box it checked for ignoring miss-addressed emails.
ADDRESSCHECKED - "checked" or "" determining if the radio box it checked for sending email to this account.
POPLIST - Listbox showing all valid pop accounts to be used for ADDRESSCHEKED
FORWARDERS - Table containing the list of forwarders
AUTORESPONDERS - Table containing the list of autoresponders
TEXT - Text message which is to be sent with to the sender
CCCHECKED - "checked" or "" if a carbon copy is to be sent to EMAIL
EMAIL - Email will be sent to this address is CCCHECKED is checked.
VACATIONS - Table containing the list of vacation messages
POPLIST - Listbox of all valid pop usernames
TEXT - Text message which is to be sent to the sender
STARTTIME, ENDTIME - Listboxes for time of day. (morning,afternoon,evening)
STARTMONTH,ENDMONTH - Listboxes for month. (Jan - Dec)
STARTDAY, ENDDAY - Listboxes for day.
STARTYEAR, ENDYEAR - Listboxes for year.
SERVERTIME - Current time of the server. Required to figure out local time.
LISTS - Table containing the list of mailing lists
SUBSCRIBERS - Table containing the list of subscribers
SUBSCRIBERS_DIGEST - Table containing the list of digest subscribers
//These are all misc majordomo config tokens
ADULT - Value of the submit button (Enable or Disable, depending on state)
FILTERS - Table containing the list of filters currently set in place.
DNS_ROWS - Rows of a table from <tr> to </tr>. Each rows holds MX data
DNS_DISABLED - "disabled" or "", depending on if the user has access to it.
ANONLOGIN - The login name to be used for anonymous logins, if its enabled.
FTPACCOUNTS - Table containing the list of ftp accounts and the values to be used to log in.
ANONCHECKED - Anonymous ftp enabled ("checked" or "")
ANONUPCHECKED - Anonymouse upload enabled ("checked" or "")
MESSAGETEXT - Welcome message text
SYSTEMUSERHIDDEN- Used for an addition hidden input
FULLUSER - The ftp username
DOMAINCHECKED - sets the path to /home/user/domain/ ("checked" or "" or "disabled")
FTPCHECKED - sets the path to /home/user/domain/ ("checked" or "" or "disabled")
USERCHECKED - sets the path to /home/user/domain/ ("checked" or "" or "disabled")
DNS_ROWS - rows of a table from <tr> to </tr> containing dns info.
DNS_DISABLED - "disabled" or "", depending on if the user has access to it.
DOMAINS - Table containing domain usage
STATS - Table containing all user stats
RESULT - Text containing the status of the result, by default its ""
CMD_SHOW_LOG?type=error or ?type=log
LOG - Text containing the log data for the given log type.
FPSTATUS - shows if frontpage is insatlled or not.
USER - User used for the frontpage extensions
ENABLE - text to be shown in the button
DISABLE - text to be shown in the button
SUBDOMAINS - Table containing all of the subdomains
//for the filemanager, path can be obtained by following the command with the desired path: ie. "CMD_FILEMANAGER/public_html" would make path=/public_html CMD_FILE_MANAGER
DIRECTORYLIST - Table containing a list of all the files in that directory
path - current path. If no path is provided (default) / is used (/ is chrooted to /home/username/)
path - current path. If no path is provided (default) / is used (/ is chrooted to /home/username/)
FILENAME - name of the file inside path to be renamed
path - current path. If no path is provided (default) / is used (/ is chrooted to /home/username/)
FILENAME - name of the file inside path to be edited
path - current path. If no path is provided (default) / is used (/ is chrooted to /home/username/)
FILENAME - name of the file inside path to be copied
path - current path. If no path is provided (default) / is used (/ is chrooted to /home/username/)
ENABLED - decide if the directory should be password protected. ("checked" or "")
NAME - Text to be shown to the user when he/she is asked for their username/password
USERS - Table containing the users allowed into 'path'. If no users are present USERS=""
Directory Password Protection
DIRECTORIES - Table containing the current directories that are protected
DATABASES - Table containing the list of databases
DATABASEUSERS - Table containing the list of database users
RESULT - will store any results
FILES - Listbox containing all stored backup files.
CMD_SITE_BACKUP?action=view (ONLY via POST)
//all of these are checkboxes ("checked" or "") depending on the backed up tar.gz file
SSL Certificates
SERVERCHECKED - Checkbox if the site will use the servers' certificate
PASTECHECKED - Checkbox if the site will use the key/certificate stored in KEY/CERTIFICATE
CMD_SSL?type=create&request=yes (POST only)
REQUEST - The result of the certificate request.
RESULT - will store any results
CHECKED - checkbox to use the ca cert pasted in CACERT
CACERT - value of the ca root certificate
MIMETYPES - Table containing current mimetypes
Apache Handlers
HANDLERS - Table containing current Apache Handlers
Cron Jobs
TIME - Current Server Time
CRONJOBS - Table Containig current cronjobs
System Info
SERVERINFO - Table containing Server information
Perl Modules
MODULES - Table containing Installed Perl Modules
Domain Redirection
REDIRECTS - Table containing paths to redirect to their domains
Domain Pointers
DOMAINPOINTERS - Table containing the list of domains to point to this one.
Additional Domains
DOMAINS - Table containing the list of domains currently being hosted by this user
Message System
TCKTTYPE - Type of ticket to be created
TCKTTO - Listbox containing all valid recipients.
NEWCLOSED - String containing if there are any new closed tickets (replies) else ""
TICKETS - List of open tickets
MESSAGES - List of messages
EMAILCHECKED - Checkbox to receive notification of new messages/ticket replies. ("checked" or "")
EMAIL - Email to send it to.
TICKETS - List of closed tickets
REPLYBUTTON - Button to add a reply to the ticket. (A user can reply anytime to a ticket)
TICKETMESSAGES - All of the messages in this ticket.
Login History
HISTORY - Table showing the last login information.
Dynamic results: (the page is chosen automatically)
TEXT - General Message
RESULT - Message Details
TEXT - Confirmation details
LOGINLINK - Link to log back in.


Create User Account
PACKAGES - Lists the user packages in a listbox
IPSELECT - Lists the current free or shared ips owned by the reseller.
ListModify Users
TABLE - Table containing the users
USERLIST - list of all users being messaged.
DOMAINS - Table containing the users' domains
STATS - Table of usres' stats
COMMENTS - Comments set by the reseller. The user cannot see this data.
PACKAGES - Listbox showing the packages to chose from.
BANDWIDTH - Maximum bandwidth allowed for the user
BANDWIDTHCHECKED - Checkbox for bandiwidth ("checked" or "")
QUOTA - Maximum traffic allowed for the user.
QUOTACHECKED - Checkbox for quota ("checked" or "")
VDOMAINS - Maximum number of domains allowd
VDOMAINSCHECKED - Checkbox for domains ("checked" or "")
NSUBDOMAINS - Maximum number of subdomains of all domains
NSUBDOMAINSCHECKED - Checkbox for subdomains ("checked" or "")
NEMAILS - Maximum number of pop accounts
NEMAILSCHECKED - Checkbox for pop accounts ("checked" or "")
NEMAILF - Maximum number of email forwarders
NEMAILFCHECKED - Checkbox for forwarders ("checked" or "")
NEMAILML - Maximum number of mailing lists.
NEMAILMLCHECKED - Checkbox for mailing lists ("checked" or "")
NEMAILR - Maximum number of email responders
NEMAILRCHECKED - Checkbox for autoresponders ("checked" or "")
MYSQL - Maximum number of databases
MYSQLCHECKED - Checkbox for databases ("checked" or "")
DOMAINPTR - Maximum number of domain pointers
DOMAINPTRCHECKED - Checkbox for domain pointers ("checked" or "")
FTP - Maximum number of ftp accounts
FTPCHECKED - Checkbox for ftp accounts ("checked" or "")
AFTPCHECKED - Anonymous ftp allowed ("checked" or "")
CGICHECKED - CGI bin allowed ("checked" or "")
SSLCHECKED - https allowed ("checked" or "")
SSHCHECKED - SSH access allowed ("checked" or "")
DNSCONTROLCHECKED - Control over their dns record ("checked" or "")
SUSPENDATLIMITCHECKED - Suspend the user when he reaches his bandwidth limit ("checked" or "")
SKINS - Listbox of skins available for the user.
NS1 - Current ns1 being used.
NS2 - Current ns2 being used.
COMMAND - stores the name of the command (one file used for 3 types of messages)
SUBJECT - message subject
MESSAGE - text for the message
Edit User Packages
PACKAGES - Table containing the list of user packages
PACKAGENAME - Name of the package
BANDWIDTH - Maximum bandwidth allowed for the user
BANDWIDTHCHECKED - Checkbox for bandiwidth ("checked" or "")
QUOTA - Maximum traffic allowed for the user.
QUOTACHECKED - Checkbox for quota ("checked" or "")
VDOMAINS - Maximum number of domains allowd
VDOMAINSCHECKED - Checkbox for domains ("checked" or "")
NSUBDOMAINS - Maximum number of subdomains of all domains
NSUBDOMAINSCHECKED - Checkbox for subdomains ("checked" or "")
NEMAILS - Maximum number of pop accounts
NEMAILSCHECKED - Checkbox for pop accounts ("checked" or "")
NEMAILF - Maximum number of email forwarders
NEMAILFCHECKED - Checkbox for forwarders ("checked" or "")
NEMAILML - Maximum number of mailing lists.
NEMAILMLCHECKED - Checkbox for mailing lists ("checked" or "")
NEMAILR - Maximum number of email responders
NEMAILRCHECKED - Checkbox for autoresponders ("checked" or "")
MYSQL - Maximum number of databases
MYSQLCHECKED - Checkbox for databases ("checked" or "")
DOMAINPTR - Maximum number of domain pointers
DOMAINPTRCHECKED - Checkbox for domain pointers ("checked" or "")
FTP - Maximum number of ftp accounts
FTPCHECKED - Checkbox for ftp accounts ("checked" or "")
AFTPCHECKED - Anonymous ftp allowed ("checked" or "")
CGICHECKED - CGI bin allowed ("checked" or "")
SSLCHECKED - https allowed ("checked" or "")
SSHCHECKED - SSH access allowed ("checked" or "")
DNSCONTROLCHECKED - Control over their dns record ("checked" or "")
SUSPENDATLIMITCHECKED - Suspend the user when he reaches his bandwidth limit ("checked" or "")
Reseller Stats
STATS - Table containing the resellers stats.
CMD_SKINS #NOTE if you install a skin that doesn't work, run "/CMD_SKIN?reset" to restore the default
SKINS - Table containing the system and reseller skins.
IP Assignment
TEXT - Used for results
TABLE - Table containing the ips and data.
Name Server
IPS - Table of ips and nameservers
Ticket System
NEWCLOSED - String containing if there are any new closed tickets (replies) else ""
TICKETS - Table containing all open tickets
ACTIVECHECKED - Checkbox to enable the ticket system ONLY for THIS resellers users. ("checked" or "")
HTML - One line of html (no newlines allowed) that will be showed if the ticket system is disabled.
EMAILCHECKED - Checkbox to Email a notification each time a ticket arrives. ("checked" or "")
EMAIL - Email address to send them to.
TICKETS - Table containing all closed tickets
STATUS - Listbox for setting message to open or closed.
TICKETMESSAGES - All the messages currently written.
number - the ticket number
user - user ticket is being replied to
subject - ticket subject
priority - ticket priority


Create/Modify Admins:
TABLE - Table showing the admins
Create Reseller
PACKAGES - Lists the reseller packages in a listbox
List/Modfiy Resellers
TABLE - Lists all resellers on the server
Manage Reseller Packages
PACKAGES - Table containg all reseller packages
PACKAGENAME - Name of the package
BANDWIDTH - Maximum bandwidth allowed for the reseller
BANDWIDTHCHECKED - Checkbox for bandiwidth ("checked" or "")
QUOTA - Maximum traffic allowed for the reseller.
QUOTACHECKED - Checkbox for quota ("checked" or "")
VDOMAINS - Maximum number of domains allowed
VDOMAINSCHECKED - Checkbox for domains ("checked" or "")
NSUBDOMAINS - Maximum number of subdomains of all domains
NSUBDOMAINSCHECKED - Checkbox for subdomains ("checked" or "")
NEMAILS - Maximum number of pop accounts
NEMAILSCHECKED - Checkbox for pop accounts ("checked" or "")
NEMAILF - Maximum number of email forwarders
NEMAILFCHECKED - Checkbox for forwarders ("checked" or "")
NEMAILML - Maximum number of mailing lists.
NEMAILMLCHECKED - Checkbox for mailing lists ("checked" or "")
NEMAILR - Maximum number of email responders
NEMAILRCHECKED - Checkbox for autoresponders ("checked" or "")
MYSQL - Maximum number of databases
MYSQLCHECKED - Checkbox for databases ("checked" or "")
DOMAINPTR - Maximum number of domain pointers
DOMAINPTRCHECKED - Checkbox for domain pointers ("checked" or "")
FTP - Maximum number of ftp accounts
FTPCHECKED - Checkbox for ftp accounts ("checked" or "")
AFTPCHECKED - Anonymous ftp allowed ("checked" or "")
CGICHECKED - CGI bin allowed ("checked" or "")
SSLCHECKED - https allowed ("checked" or "")
SSHCHECKED - SSH access allowed ("checked" or "")
DNSCONTROLCHECKED - Control over their dns record ("checked" or "")
USERSSHCHECKED - SSH allowed for the resellers' users.
DNSCHECKED - radio button for no dns ("checked" or "")
DNS2CHECKED - radio button for dns with 2 ips ("checked" or "")
DNS3CHECKED - radio button for dns with 3 ips (domain + ns1 + ns2)("checked" or "")
SERVERIP - Checkbox for allowing the reseller to create user domains with the servers' ip ("checked" or "")
COMMAND - stores the name of the command (one file used for 3 types of messages)
SUBJECT - message subject
MESSAGE - text for the message
COMMAND - stores the name of the command (one file used for 3 types of messages)
SUBJECT - message subject
MESSAGE - text for the message
Show All Users
TABLE - Table containing the full list of users on the server.
IP Manager
TEXT - Used for results
TABLE - Table containing the ips and data.
DNS Administrator
TABLE - Table containing the domain zones on the server
Show Services
SERVICES - Rows of a table containing the status of the services being run on the servers, as well as links to control them.
Administrator Settings
SERVICESEMAILCHECKED - Checkbox for emailing all admins if a service goes down. ("checked" or "")
OVERSELLCHECKED - Option to allow resellers to assign more items than the are allowed. ("checked" or "")
SUSPENDRESELLERCHECKED - Option to suspend a reseller and all of his users when the reseller reaches his limits ("checked" or "")
DEMOUSERCHECKED - User demo enabled. ("checked" or "")
DEMORESELLERCHECKED - Reseller demo enabled ("checked" or "")
DEMOADMINCHECKED - Admin demo enabled ("checked" or "")
SERVERNAME - servers main domain
NS1 - servers default ns1
NS2 - servers default ns2
TIMEOUT - number of seconds until direct admin gives up trying to do what it was asked. (ignores this for important tasks)
MAXFILE - maximum size, in bytes, of the file allowed to be uploaded through DirectAdmin (skins or filemanager)
Server Stats
STATS - Table containing data on all admins, resellers and users.
RX - Total received traffic as reported by "ifconfig eth0"
TX - Total transmitted data as reported by "ifconfig eth0"
DF - Total Disk Usage as reported by "df"
ip - server ip which is registered in the license
name - name stored in the license
lid - license id
uid - user id as registered with JBMC-Software
start_string - start date for the license
expiry_string - expirty date for the license
TIME - current server time (default token)
remaining - amount of time left before the license expires
license_change - Date that the license was last updated
version - Current version of DirectAdmin available from JBMC-Software
currentversion - Current installed version of directadmin installed on this server
software_change - Date that the software was last updated

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